Here's your hilarious joke:

Two aliens are visiting Earth They end up in the middle of Arizona, near an interstate highway, just next to a gas station. The first thing they see are the gas pumps. Thinking that the gas pumps might be sentient artificial life forms, the first alien goes up and says, >"Greetings! We are visitors from planet Omicron Persei IV. Please take us to your leader." Naturally, the gas pumps don't respond. A bit miffed, the first alien tries a different tact. >"Hello and salutations, oh noble Creature of the Third Planet. We humbly request your assistance in making first contact with your leaders." Still no response. And so the cycle goes a few more times, each time the alien becomes a bit more beseeching and a bit more annoyed. Finally, fed up with this non-response, the first alien pulls out his ray gun. >"Please take us to your leader, or be immolated!" At which point, the second alien immediately chimes in. >"Uh, hey, you probably don't want to do that." Ignoring the second alien, the first alien tries again. >"You have to the count of three to say something. Anything!" Second alien chimes in again. >"Seriously man, let's just go, you don't want to threaten these guys." Still ignoring the second alien, the first alien proceeds to carry out his threat. >"One......... Two.......... THREE!" And the first alien pulls the trigger. Which results in a massive explosion. When the aliens come to in a crater some 1000 feet away, the first alien turned to the second alien. >"Holy crap! These Earthlings are fearsome warriors! How'd you know? Have you visited them before?" >"No, but I've been around the universe enough times to know that if someone has a penis long enough to wrap around itself, you don't want to mess with it.

"Gianina Delila" Permalink