Here's your hilarious joke:

There are only 10 types of people in this world 1.Those with no understanding of hexidecimals 2.Those with almost no understanding of hexidecimals 3.Those with a very basic understanding of hexidecimals 4.Those with a mediocre understanding of hexidecimals 5.Those with below average understanding of hexidecimals 6.Those with an average understanding of hexidecimals 7.Those with above average understanding of hexidecimals 8.Those with a decent understanding of hexidecimals 9.Those with a pretty good understanding of hexidecimals A. Those with a great understanding of hexidecimals B. Those with an excellent understanding of hexidecimals C. Those with a fantastic understanding of hexidecimals D. Those with a stupendous understanding of hexidecimals E. Those with a masterful understanding of hexidecimals F. Those with an unreal understanding of hexidecimals 10 . Those with a godlike understanding of hexidecimals

"Idalia Dulcia" Permalink