Here's your hilarious joke:

Hunter goes into the forest to hunt a grizzly bear... This hunter goes to the forest to hunt a grizzly bear with a bow and an arrow. After many hours of stalking, the grizzly gets in range, the hunter shoots and misses. The grizzly chases down the hunter, catches him, tears off his pants and ass rapes him. The next day the hunter goes with a rifle to get revenge. Again he misses, grizzly catches and ass rapes him. Hunter tries again and again with a shot-gun, a semi-automatic rifle and a machine gun, failing every time and getting ass raped each time. Finally he goes into the forest with a bazooka. He's determined he will get revenge for all the humiliation and torture this time. Finding the grizzly in the usual spot, he takes aim and fires. There is a big explosion and when the smoke clears, to his dismay he sees the grizzly is completely unhurt. Cursing his luck, the hunter then turns around, takes his pants off and bends over. The grizzly walks upto him and says " Do you come really here to hunt or just to get fucked?"

"Alica Dode" Permalink