Here's your hilarious joke:

Now that you know, would you ever yell at a parrot? Her windows were broken as a result of burglary so she called a window repair man for help. Since she couldn't be there, she told the repairman: > I'll leave my key under the potted plant. Fix the windows and leave the bill on the counter. I'll wire the money over to your account tomorrow. > FYI, my dog Butch shouldn't bother you. But mind the parrot. **Do NOT** talk to the parrot. When the repairman arrived, he saw biggest, most intimidating dog he'd ever seen. But the dog never approached him, just like the lady said. The parrot was another story. The parrot screeched profanities at him and repeatedly called him a "horse-shit snorting faggot" with a "tiny-ass dick". The man briefly wondered whether the lady taught the parrot those phrases specifically. The repairman was a very patient man. But soon enough he lost his temper and yelled at the bird, "Shut the hell up!" To which the parrot responded, "Fetch the balls, Butch!"

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