Here are a few more jokes to check out:
Here's your hilarious joke:
An old Russian goes ice fishing One winter this old Russian man is ice fishing on the pond behind his shack. He feels his line tense and he quickly reels it in and finds that he's hooked a muddy lamp. As he's wiping the muck off, a genie pops out and tells him it'll grant him three wishes. "If this is so", replies the old Russian, "I will have cup of finest vodka in World" Poof! A mug of vodka appears before his eyes. He quickly grabs the cup and tosses it back. "Amazing! I wish this whole pond filled with finest vodka!" The genie snaps his fingers and bids the man to drink. The Russian scoops some up through the ice and finds that the pond has indeed turned into the most delicious vodka he's ever tasted. He spends the next several weeks drinking the pond dry. As he scoops the last drop up from the pond and glugs it down, the genie asks him what he will have for his final wish. The old man pauses for a moment, considering what he should ask for, before replying "I'll have another vodka"
"Bernadina Alix" Permalink