Here's your hilarious joke:

Little Johnny is out flying his plane in the yard... and he lands it and exclaims in his pilot voice, "All you fucking people that want to get off, get off. All you fucking people that want to get on, get on. The plane then takes off again, and is making some laps around the yard. Little Johnny then lands the plane next to the kitchen window, which happens to be open where his mother is washing dishes. Little Johnny quickly exclaims after landing, "All you fucking people that want to get off, get off. All you fucking people that want to get on, get on." At this point his mother goes running outside screaming, "Johnny, you need a timeout for your language." After a half an hour Johnny's mother told Johnny he could go back out and play, but he needed to be nicer to his passengers. He agreed and went outside. Johnny picked up the plane, took off flying and landed a short distance later. In a nice voice Johnny told his passengers, "All of you nice people that want to get off, get off. All of you nice people that want to get on, get on. If anyone wants to bitch about the delay, talk to the bitch in the kitchen."

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