Here are a few more jokes to check out:
Here's your hilarious joke:
A turtle and his girlfriend leave the house for a picnic. They walk for a hour before finding the perfect spot. They begin unpacking their picnic basket and soon realize they have all the food but forgot their dishes and silverware. "You should go get them," says the girl. "Are you kidding me? It took us forever to get here. Let's just dig in," replies the turtle. "No, this is supposed to be special. Go back and get the stuff," begs the girl. "Fine, but if I get back and you have started eating without me, I'm going to be pissed off!" says the turtle. He begins walking and soon disappears in the distance. Two hours pass and he doesn't return. Four hours pass and he still doesn't show. The girl continues to wait but begins getting impatient. She eyes the food and her stomach grumbles. She thinks to herself, "He's a turtle, but he can't be that slow. I'm giving him thirty more minutes then I have to eat something." The time limit passes and she grabs some of the salad it and begins munching on it. Suddenly, the turtle jumps out from behind a bush and screams, "Aha! I KNEW IT!!! Couldn't wait for me to get back. You go get the stuff you lying bitch!!!"
"Trix Arleen" Permalink