Here are a few more jokes to check out:
Here's your hilarious joke:
Guy sits at the bar and orders 3 drinks.. After finishing them he walks home. The man comes by the following night and orders four of the same drinks again. The bartender asks why he ordered one more than the day before and he responds, "I just didn't get drunk enough." The man shows up and orders one more drink than the previous day for another 3 nights. On the fifth night he orders a water. Puzzled, the bartender asks him "why water tonight?" The man states that last night he blew chunks. The bartender doesn't mind as he's seen it happen plenty of times before and offers the man another drink. The man declines and says, "you don't understand, chunks is my dog." Edit: I heard this joke from a guy I used to work with several years ago. Just wanted to share it.
"Tonia Neda" Permalink