Here are a few more jokes to check out:
Here's your hilarious joke:
Two old friends met up and started chatting Two old friends met up and started chatting -Don't know what's wrong with me lately. I want to say something, get sidetracked and actually speak my mind by accident. The other day I was in the park and this kid was with his mum. He was playing with his toy car on a track he had built. Went next to him and his mom. Wanted to say "Nice track" and said "Nice rack" by accident. -That's nothing, the other guy says. A week ago I was with the missus on a picnic. Was trying to ask her for the butter and instead of saying "Hun, could you please pass the butter" I accidentaly said "You horrible, beligerent cow! You've ruined my damn life!"
"Kitti Darby" Permalink